Forget Y2K? - how dumb can you get! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Are all journalists idiots or is it just most of them? Here is one that tells us to "forget Y2K"!, September 01, 1999


Something went wrong! Here's that link again, September 01, 1999.

last try!, September 01, 1999.

Sorry, I give up on links!

-- GI (, September 01, 1999.

Forget Y2K: Prepare for the solar maximum

-- Michael Taylor (, September 01, 1999.

Here' s the link

If you're prepared for Y2K, you're prepared for solar flares, I think.

-- Dog Gone (, September 01, 1999.

Thanks, guys.

Sure solar flares could be dangerous, but we have no way of knowing when they will hit us. Y2K will fall within a known time frame which we can be prepared for, and this bozo tells us to forget about it? It just seems like only 1 out of 100 reporters even have a clue!

-- GI (, September 01, 1999.

Most reporters get it wrong everywhere, everytime.

Remember, they got where they are because they talk fast, write quickly, think superficially and usually look good on TV.

Oh, and they're liberal.

-- nothere nothere (, September 01, 1999.

What we are sseeing is the stage being set to blame Y2k on everything else, solar flares, terrorist white supremists, those bad breathed arabs, and everywhere else but where the blame actually lies; on guv'mint and corporate ameRICOn incompetence (or genius?)! Appears this whole thing has been scripted; for how long?? Probably long before Y2k was even a gleem in the guv'mints eyes.

-- cb (_@_._), September 01, 1999.

-- cb,

Are you one of those "conspiracy buffs" I read about in TIME magazine?


-- Liberty (, September 01, 1999.

I think you're right CB.

If NASA knew we were going to get hit by a CME, would they even tell us, and how could we possibly be prepared for this in less than 3 days? This irresponsible journalism is intended to distract us from real problems which should have been fixed by now.

-- GI (, September 01, 1999.

Just god's little way of saying, "Let's get all of the really tough stuff out of the way, all at once, shall we?"

-- Bokonon (, September 01, 1999.

Solar flares and the eleven year sunspot cycle have been with us from the begining of time. At the peak they are a ham radio operators dream. They have little to do with electronic failures, but many will be reported as such for lack of a better reason and cover up, better known as "passing the buck". Mike

-- Mike (, September 03, 1999.

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