Stored : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have a 1500 gal water storage tank we intend to fill (using quality RV water, not garden, hose)in December. If Y2K hits, tho' we're all hoping it will truly be a non-event, should we add chlorine, bleach or what for long term storage? We live on the moderate, wet western coast, generally temps around 40-50 in winter. Any knowledge out there to share? Many thanks
-- Karleene Morrow (, September 01, 1999
As reported on another forum---one teaspoonful of bleach per five gallons of water. Drain, clean, and refill the containers or tank every 6 months or less. Some are of the opinion that the water should be changed monthly. You might see if there is a better answer at: m It has a lot of preparedness information.
-- greenbeanman (, September 01, 1999.
Copy and paste this address into your browser. It's everything you need to know -- and more -- about water storage. TimeBomb%202000%20%28Y2000%29%20Preparation%20Forum&category= Water%20%26%20Water%20Storage
-- Walt (, October 11, 1999.
Karleene:If you have trouble getting into the link given above, try this...
1. Go to the Countryside Discussion Forum
2. At the top of the page you see LUSENET. Click on LUSENET
3. Scroll down to Timebomb 2000 Preparation Forum Top Level... and click on it.
4. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Water and Water Storage.
-- walt (, October 12, 1999.
-- walt (, November 30, 1999.