beginners B&W Photos need to be : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Hi, I am just starting into photography and I posted some of my photos on a site. Please give me suggestions and feedback to help me improve. Thanks, Mike
-- Michael Furniere (, August 27, 1999
Hi Mike,I think you are doing just fine. Now comes the hard part, keep doing it. For 'test' photos the images you show are impressive. I like your mix of portraits and 'still lifes.'
Technically I think they could be printed with a bit more contrast - if the images on the web match your prints.
I think being the manager of a market you have a wonderful opportunity to explore a subject that has not been really done much.
So my advise would be, go too it, get loads of images, and see where that will tkae you.
-- Chris Harkness (, August 28, 1999.
Great shots for some one who is just starting out. I think you have a talent for photography. Keep working at it. The market subject will be stronger by shooting people. That's where it's at for this subject!
-- Gene Crumpler (, August 31, 1999.