16:9 moviemaking on XL1greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Want to know how the Canon XL1 is for shooting in 16:9 format for a transfer to film. Is it better to stay away from this and use regular format of 4
-- Jesse Nemerofsky (JesseNeme@aol.com), August 24, 1999
Unfortunately the Xl1 doesn't record a true 16:9 image, it records a 4:3 and crops the top and bottom of the image off. This reduces the standard 480 horiontal lines by 20% or so. Anamorphic is the way to go to get that true 16:9 480 resolution. 16:9 always seems to look better on film and also in the new hdtv 16:9 tv sets, check out www.dvfilm.com for info on getting a really good film-look with the xl1/xl1s. Hope that helps.
-- Aaron Shedlock (ashedloc@tampabay.rr.com), October 05, 2003.