Audio dropouts on VCD created with Adaptec 3.5c : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've made several VCDs with Adaptec 3.01d, and all played flawlessly on my Sony DVPS-7000 DVD player. Now, using Adaptec 3.5c, the resulting VCD will play perfectly on a computer (via Media Player2), but will exhibit significant audio dropouts and poor synchronization on the stand-alone DVD player.

A logical fix might be to revert to a previous version of Adaptec. However, My version of the Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe on CD is 3.0, and it won't recognize my CD burner. I no longer have the patch to 3.01d (or other), and Adaptec's website doesn't still carry those old patches.

Can anyone provide either a work-around suggestion, or one of the old Adaptec patches?

-- Clay Howerton (, August 24, 1999


Return your 3.5c to Adaptec if you can. Whatever they did to it, they made it even more unpredictable and buggy than before and this is a fact shared universally by those who at least use the VCD Creator portion of 3.5c. They are now in the process of launching ver 4.0 and we are waiting with crossed fingers.

-- Emmanuel Martinez (, August 28, 1999.

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