POLL: Where will Doomers be during rollover?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Are there any Doomers who plan to be in a city when the clock strikes 00?
Who thinks they will be in the "safest" place - and where is it ;-D
-- Pollster (asking@the.questions), August 24, 1999
Sorry. On a "need to know" basis, you aren't qualified.
-- Tom Carey (tomcarey@mindspring.com), August 24, 1999.
i am not much of a doomer, more of a moderate. i will be at home with my husband, and hopefully my daughter and son-in-law from illinois will be with us. i live on the edge of a small town in indiana. most of my husband's relatives will be in town with us. 2 of them will be at a resort in death valley, california of all places. another 2 will be returning from california to chicago and then indiana, early on new year's eve. so far i have not been able to persuade the 2 travelers to stay put for new year's eve, but it's early yet, and i think thewy will end up changing their plans, at great expense to themselves.
-- jocelyne slough (jonslough@tln.net), August 24, 1999.
We will be deep underground preparing the hydogen peroxide vats where we will place the poly bodies. We will gather these at night after the fires cool---our grey synthetics having no digestive systems need to soak in the body parts vats weekly to continue to make the pilot/vehicle interfaces that guide our craft.We expect to have millions to choose from as denial is so high! Fat Republican bankers and nubile young yuppies would have to be our first choice as the fat content is higher.you sure fell for the new technology you scrounged at Rosewell,the silicon chips and fiberoptics you reverse engineered insured you'd take the bait! No Galactic civilzation that went digital has survived. Distroy your computers or face the consequences and perish----Zorak the ultimate doomer!
-- zorak (reptilian@51.com), August 24, 1999.
Pollster:I'll be at one of five places.
Your guess isn't as good as mine.
This poll is subject to a 20% error rate.
-- Randolph (dinosaur@williams-net.com), August 24, 1999.