Ever notice that in the media everything is a crisis, except Y2K ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

We have education crisis, drug crisis, foreign policy crisis, gun crisis, weather crisis, whitehouse crisis, but somehow Y2K just has not measured up in the media.

-- rambo (rambo@thewoods.com), August 20, 1999


Crisis, what crisis?


-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), August 20, 1999.

Its not NEWS that sells yet. There will always be something that SELLS more advertisement until they HAVE to report it. Remember, feed the masses BS so they get use to the taste.

-- y2k dave (xsdaa111@hotmail.com), August 20, 1999.

Rambo... oh yes... thought of it many times...

It's so true it smacks of deception... hello... Investigative reporters?? Mr. Lord provided a silver platter... too easy... Maybe some genuine interest has been spawned but the truth will play out...

"...we can be secure in the knowledge that principles are bigger than people or circumstances, and that thousand of years of history have seen them triumph, time and time again.

"Even more important, we an be secure in the knowledge that we can validate them in our own lives by our own experience." Steven Covey...

The press has been negligent, at best... Our principles will be the force behind our personal survival... really... Keep the faith...

-- booann (cantsay@lovemyjob.edu), August 20, 1999.

Thankyou, Rambo. Your one sentence tugged at my Chico State Alumni ruined brain and flipped the Paranioa switch. Years ago I had a once- in-a-lifetime yellow lab named Dirtbag, because he loved to dig. "Dirtbag!NO!" was hollered so often I'm sure he thought the No! was part of his name. Perhaps after hearing the cries of "Drug Crisis! Education Crisis! Crisis Crisis!" Joe Sixpak and Josette Cell Phone have become so inured to the word as to think it part of the overall landscape/wordscape. Having presented the preamble, I'll now stretch my hypothesis to transparency: Suppose, just maybe, the "Crisis" add-on to these many past situations was escalatingly deliberate so as to soften or negate any more than a cursory glance by the Great Unwashed to this one/one time event? Then again, perhaps I should just go fishin'. JHL

-- John Henry Lyons (shotgun12@att.net), August 20, 1999.


-- Linda A. (adahi@muhlon.com), August 20, 1999.

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