Change self-timer delay : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I have a Pentax 67 II system and when I use it on a tripod I mostly use self-timer instead "wire fire". I would like to shorter delay from 12s to say 2-3s. Does anybody know if it is possible ? Thanks for your response.

-- Pavel Medek (, August 11, 1999


I too have been bothered by the 12 sec delay because the wind invariably picks up and ruins my flower shots. I have come to the conclusion, however, that, with MLU and with the camera on a sturdy tripod, the shutter button works so easily I can squeeze off a shot like in target practice with a gun and have no effect on the image. I think standing back and laying my heavy hand on the camera body as I squeeze the button helps steady the camera. Thus I shoot without delay.

-- Tom Goodrick (, August 22, 1999.

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