Blade on Video CD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Blade is release on Video CD in How's the quality? Anyone purchase before?

-- Matt Mason (, August 10, 1999


It is a Singapore copy...Blade is banned in Malaysia(where most of the Video CDs at is located). It is heavily edited but the copy is good. I would not chance it...better to buy the one from That one is uncut and presented in a widescreen format so you see all fo the fighting. Also the one from is much better quality(almost on par to LaserDisc).

-- The Lone Ranger (, August 10, 1999.

I wrote an email asking them, they say it is an uncut and without subtitle. I ask them about it is Singapore copy, they say it is not.

-- Matt (, August 10, 1999.

Received my Original Blade VCD and it is uncut version and full screen.

-- Vm (, August 11, 1999.

It is still a bad purchase. I refuse to buy any more films from Malaysia or Singapore. I like my movies uncut and well I do not trust them. The bloodbath sequence at the beginning of the film plus carious violent explosions got the film banned in Malaysia prior to the Video CD now being offered. So how come it is now available? The ban could not be lifted unless the film was in some way edited or modified. Hmmm.

-- The Lone Ranger (, August 11, 1999.

or pirated

-- sethsolo (, August 11, 1999.

The copy I received from is not cut, not pirated, not censored, does have a company name Glorify Trading Located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

The sound quality is damm good using by computer. All the fighting with bloody scenes is there. Started with newline logo clips and ending with proper credits and all the sound track.

It is far the best quality of Video CD that I have ever seen. Encoding are properly done....clear in both sound and picture!

-- Vm (, August 11, 1999.

I just my copy...I had to prove it was edited. Quess what? It is. The blood bath sequence is shorter(by a minute). The scene with the souls jumping out of bodies is also shortened. does not rival the sound on my Chinese copy(Malay ver. is Dolby Stereo, HK ver. is Dolby Surround). The best sounding Video CD i have thus far is the Matrix (Indonisian pirate). Just so you know...Air Force One Malaysia is also edited. The shootout sequence is shortened and you do not see a gun pointed at the First Lady. Methinks, I am buying my VCDs from Thailand or Hong Kong...quality is much better, sound is Dolby Surround, and no editing. I always thought that Malaysia used Dolby Surround...they don't. My new DVD player recognizes the movies as Stereo only, compared to Hong Kong using true Dolby Surround.

-- The Lone Ranger (, August 11, 1999.

If you don't believe me, let me know, I will try to cut out some clips and email to you.

-- vm (, August 11, 1999.

Bought a copy of BLADE(vcd) for less than US$3 in Kuching(Borneo) about "five" months ago. It has Chinese sub-titles. The brilliant packaging and discs are labelled in Chinese only. There's nothing to show who or where it was made, except the .dat files were dated 28 October 1998. Like most new vcd movies, the picture and sound quality is excellent. Including credits the movie took 122 minutes - a friend watched this vcd and swears that nothing has been cut.

-- Tomo (, August 12, 1999.

If there no label of Distributor address, those are pirated, Does the covers has a Newline logo. Original does have that logo.

Does it look like those in

-- vm (, August 12, 1999.

To vm,

The front cover is nothing like that as shown in site. The only english characters labelled are "BLADE" and the actors names. Brief introductions to the story on front and back covers are in chinese characters. The movie occassionally displays 'AC3' at the top-left-corner of screen and has chinese sub-titles at the bottom. It is obvious that this vcd is intented for Chinese-educated viewers. This vcd was bought from a shop that displays all thier VCD wares openly.

-- Tomo (, August 12, 1999.

In Asia, you can find pirated Video CD, pirated software Installer openly sold. Those displaying AC3 are fake AC3. You can Only have AC3 with DVD. Usually, pirated video CD does have AC3,and THX. It is not really AC3 or THX, some not even stereo.

-- vm (, August 13, 1999.

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