Mid American Energy y2k statement

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Mid American Energy sent a flier to each household it serves, regarding Y2K status. Also on line at http://www.midamericanenergy.com/html/y2k.shtml In their statement they say "Should I buy a generator? If you can't be without power for any reason, whether from a storm or other type of outage, you should probably purchase a generator. People ususally ask this question because they want to know if Y2K will cause long term outages. Based on what we know today, we don't believe that will happen and feel confident in the progress were making to address the issue. If at any point, we see that there is a possibility of long-term risk to our customers, we'll do everything within reason to communicate that possibility and help our customers prepare. ..." Think we better get some more wood????????????????

-- Nancy (nancy@freezing.cold), August 09, 1999


Got kerosene, oil, white gas......?

-- bardou (bardou@baloney.com), August 09, 1999.

Hi Nancy,

I stopped by Northern Tools in Des Moines today, and they have a bunch of generators sitting around. Most seem like pretty good units -- Honda's or Honda engines, NorthStars (not the cheap Coleman's, Homelite, etc.).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines (dtmiller@nevia.net), August 09, 1999.

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