The Pollies Have Won The Debate : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Ok, so far NOTHING has happened to date. We have passed several "key dates without major problems." Therefore, the pollies are right. Y2K is no big deal! A non event. Tommorrow I am going to take my extensive preps and give them away to local soup kitchens. I was going to do this anyway, in the event that Y2K turned out to be a bump in the road. But, since nothing has happened bad so far in 1999, its all for naught! What a fool I have been. I can't believe that I made a decision, as a free thinking individual doing my own research, that Y2K couldn't be fixed in time to avoid major disruptions.

The pollies are right! Listen to the "experts." The government knows what is best for all of us. Trust them. Don't waste your time or money! It doesn't matter how much prep you do. You will be vastly outnumbered anyway. Pollies have won the debate. Nobody cares. It's a non-issue. 3 day storm. Keep your money in the bank. Do nothing! Y2K. Cross that bridge when you get to it.

Lets close this forum down. Goodbye Y2K! There is NO PROOF that Y2K will be bad! Let's just sit tight, wait and see.

-- Y2K-OK NOW (, August 04, 1999


OK. Sounds good. Bye bye.

-- Mara Wayne (, August 04, 1999.

No, I vote we close you down.

-- (, August 04, 1999.

there was a debate?????

-- Brian (, August 04, 1999.

As obviously contrived as this kickoff post is, it does bring up a point: So many people seem to think of the entire issue as nothing but a debate. Whomever seems to be the most skilled at presenting statistical data, whomever seems to be the most qualified as an "expert", etc., "wins".

Nobody knows what will happen with Y2K. Nobody. Even if you honestly think that the "pollies" have indeed "won" the debate, preparing for an event that you think probably will not happen, but will cause tremendous grief in the "unlikely" event that it does occur, still makes a lot of sense. We do it all the time through various insurance policies, having fire extinguishers, etc. As has been stated numerous times, most of what it takes to prepare for Y2K can still be used (e.g., stored food) even if nothing happens. But personal preparation may not be an option if everyone suddenly decides to prepare en masse.

-- Jack (, August 04, 1999.

Debate? Who cares about debate anymore. Its how you FEEL about something. That is what is important. No news is GOOD news.

If you can't PROVE Y2K is going to be bad, shut up about it!

I feel pretty good about Y2K.

Got risperdale?

-- Y2K-OK (, August 04, 1999.

My Dear Mr. Y2K OK

Sir (or madam as the case may be) I strongly suggest, if you are ideed are serious about giving your preps away. That you just might wait a little while...We are just entering into the window for the embeded systems failures...Tiawan might well have been the fore runner of things to come. The window for the embeded systems is about 24 months long (as I have stated this is because of the lenth of time involved in bringing the various embeded systems on line in an industrial/power generation complex.

But I feel instintively that you are another troll wishing to elicit respondses. For no one, in any sembulance of rationialty would spend money on food...Then give it all away before the roll over, an even I do not think that we'll make before TSHTF any way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shakey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), August 04, 1999.

Only a fool would give away food that he can eat in the future.


And if he has children, HE'S AN EVEN BIGGER FOOL!

-- smitty (, August 04, 1999.

Uhh, lets calm down everyone, shall we? I think that Y2K-OK is just spoofing the pollies here, and playing with all of our heads. Still, does provide the opportunity to display one of my favorite Y2K type quotes:


-- King of Spain (, August 05, 1999.

I feel fairly certain my house will still be as I left it when I get home. But just in case, I paid for an insurance policy.

I feel fairly certain that Y2K will be no worse than a bloody nuisance and an economic downturn. But just in case ...

-- Nigel Arnot (, August 05, 1999.

Spain, your philosophy also applies to intelligence and good manners.


-- Mr. Decker (, August 05, 1999.

Shakey, You say: The window for the embeded systems is about 24 months long (as I have stated this is because of the lenth of time involved in bringing the various embeded systems on line in an industrial/power generation complex.

Please explain exactly what YOU consider an "embedded system" to be, that would take 24 months to check and fix it?

-- Cherri (, August 05, 1999.

It appears that for some reason (you guess), the paid/unpaid pollies are really SPINNIG up y2k bump in the road scenario these days.

IMHO any polly that is being paid to SPIN should be be held accountable if y2k turns out to be SERIOUS. Tried and convicted!!

The more the SPIN the faster I am encouraged to diligently complete my preparations!.


-- Ray (, August 05, 1999.


You have never produced an iota of evidence anyone on this board is being paid to post. The only people I see making money on this forum are Minnesota Smith and the other vendors that crop up from time to time. Unless you have some kind of proof, Ray, you are just making unfounded accusations. And if we experience the "end of world," how exactly are these mysterious agents provacateur going to be found, tried and punished? Same dilemma of the IEEE letter... why worry about legal action in a post-Apocalyptic world? The IEEE presupposes the existence of a viable government and legal system. So does your post.

Why not just accuse "Polly's" of being under the influence of an alien intelligence... using Y2K to invade and take over our planet. You have the same amount of proof; it's a more entertaining theory; and "a" could join in.


-- Mr. Decker (, August 05, 1999.

Mr Decker you sure get defensive whenever someone says people are getting paid to post. Are you hiding something?

-- Johnny (JLJTM@BELLSOUTH.NET), August 05, 1999.

Great line Mr Decker LOL! We pollies are part of an alien plot!

-- Maria (, August 05, 1999.

If the "pollies" are being paid to do their thing, then they are doing a damn good, believable job of it. Every single "trigger date" or prediction has failed by the doomer crowd. Yourdon, Hyatt, North,etc.. have spouted so much scary stuff in the past year and nothing has come to pass. Now doomers are talking about the 24 month embedded chip window. So now we have to wait 24 months for this "terror" to be over with. Are doomers going to sit by their guns and beans until August 2001 because of this new scare.

I doubt very much anyone is being paid to be here, but even if they are their arguments hold much more water than the doomers.

-- Fat Tony (, August 05, 1999.


You have never produced an iota of evidence anyone on this board is ***NOT** *being paid to post.

Your Pal, Ray

-- Ray (, August 05, 1999.


I will probably be 'taken out of the picture' for posting this, but my conscience will let me hide it no longer. We pollys are being paid by the government to post here. We hadn't received our checks during the month of July due to a "computer glitch", but that little problem has been solved now that Hillary Clinton and John Koskinen have personally begun writing out our checks by hand.

We also recieve some great finge benefits, but I have sworn to an oath of secrecy (if I break this oath I will be locked in a room and forced to watch every Y2K survival video ever produced) not to reveal these benefits.

We are also looking for new recruits. How about it Ray?

In a moral conundrum,
Mr. Nugget

-- Butt Nugget (nubuttet@better.mousetrap), August 05, 1999.


You're right buddy. I'm paid the BIG BUCKS to be here. Big, BIG BUCKS!! Bigger than that even!!

You wouldn't believe what they pay me to talk to people like you. It's incredible I tell ya!!!

Think I'll go make another deposit in my 401K!!! Yep, that's what I'm gonna do with ALL THIS MONEY that I'm being paid to be on this board.

You're a trip Ray, seek professional help as quickly as possible. They have little white pills now that will really help in dealing with reality.

You know full well we're out to get you. :-)


-- Deano (, August 05, 1999.

Beano, who ever is paying you for your efforts is being RIPPED OFF!!

Your Pal, Ray

-- Ray (, August 05, 1999.


It sounds like they gave you a raise. They didn't give me one! What's the deal? I'm marching on down to Washington D.C. with my best poker face and telling them if they don't pay me as much as Deano that I'm going to go to work for Y2K newswire or World Net Daily.

In extreme anger and fustration,
Mr. Nugget

-- Butt Nugget (nubuttet@better.mousetrap), August 05, 1999.

Hey Ray,

If I can recruit you, maybe I'll get that raise. How about it? Please.

In sincere hope,
Mr. Nugget

-- Butt Nugget (nubuttet@better.mousetrap), August 05, 1999.

I can't believe it!

Guys, don't you know what "they" will do when "they" find out you've broken cover??

Quick, ask the sysops to delete these posts immediately!

Maybe "they" haven't seen them yet!

Wait...somebody is at the door...

-- Hoffmeister (, August 05, 1999.


You hurt my feelings big boy........snif, snif. Good thing your opinion is worth the same as the turd I left in the bowl this morning.

Mr Nugget

No raise dude. Been gettin the big bucks all along. Ask Ray, he'll tell ya!

ps. I think he's jealous..........:-)


-- Deano (, August 05, 1999.

Hoff, you never gave me a "yes" or "no" answer when I asked you if you received any remuneration while posting here !!


-- Ray (, August 05, 1999.

Hey guys.......

Enough leaks okay.........the big guys at the NWO office are sure gonna be pissed if they find that we spilled the beans on this one......

Furthermore, don't any of you dare reveal our secret handshake.....

BTW, if any of you have forgotten the secret password, here it is: ********

-- Craig (, August 05, 1999.


You're right. My mistake. Hopefully, they'll go easy on me as it's my first offense. They just better get my check to me tomorrow.......

Ooops......there I go again......:-)


ya know........this 'shill' thing is kinda fun.......and profitable too!!

-- Deano (, August 05, 1999.


SPINNING up y2k bump in the road scenario

-- (webwatchers@spinners.anon), August 05, 1999.

"Now doomers are talking about the 24 month embedded chip window. So now we have to wait 24 months for this "terror" to be over with. Are doomers going to sit by their guns and beans until August 2001 because of this new scare."


Well, it's just been in the last month that various folks of the doomer persuasion have begun retreating from the position that it all comes crashing down on 1/1/00 - now the cant seems to be that it will start slowly on that day and build up to collapse over the next few years.

And when that's come and gone, and Bill Clinton has left the Presidency without martial law and George Dubya Bush takes the oath, the cant will be changed - same tune, different melody. "It's all gonna fall apart just any ol' day now!"

For me, I'm expecting major stock market swings for the balance of the year, which is why I've been stockpiling available money - to buy Intel at 20 and Microsoft at 35 - come 1/3/00 when the traders find everything's OK, every gramma and grampa who sold it all (to me) at low prices is going to get back into the tech stocks as fast as they can. I'll go out on a limb and predict "market surges with renewed investor confidence" on 1/3/00.

Now, lest I get branded as an unreconstructed polly, let me say that I will have the necessaries of life around the house for about, oh, a couple three weeks. (Not a problem since we live on a farm and typically have several months worth of meat and canned veggies around at any given time.) But we'll make sure our water, gasoline, livestock feed, and etc (etc mainly includes beer, scotch, and port) supplies are in good shape in case of any weirdness, but as I've said before, I should be so lucky as to get a free vacation in January '00. I don't expect to be that lucky.

I'll say again what I said before - the best reason to go rural and get more self-sufficient is not Y2K or economic trouble - it's to improve your quality of life today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.

Y'all have a Y2K-day now,


-- Jeff Zurschmeide (, August 05, 1999.

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