No George Clooney? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I read a blurb in CNN Showbiz Buzz in which George Clooney at some awards thing this past weekend said that he was probably not coming back to ER this season because although he had told the producers that he would be available to help Julianna Margulies exit, "no one had really talked to him about it". Does anyone know if this is true and if so, what is going on? Did George screw the show or did the producers drop the ball in getting things settled with him?
-- Laura (, August 04, 1999
Well, there is no clear answer. The quote is his, but we don't know what the original question was. Did they ask "Are you coming back for $2 million per episode?" Or did they ask, "When are you coming back?" He has never said, "never," but we don't know where it stands. It'll be my guess that George didn't screw the show, as he's publicly stated many times that he owes his entire career to it, that he gets along well, and that he'd come back.Now, the producers have to plot out the show and the direction they want to go in and they are most likely not at the point of making that decision. Either they'll have him or they won't. We'll know after they do.
-- Phyl (, August 09, 1999.