Missing Software for a Casio digital QV-10A

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Our company recently upgraded to Windows NT and during installation, the copy of our digital camera software installed on a co-worker's computer disappeared. We are unable to scan any images into any of the computers. Even if I had the software, I don't think I would know if I would know how to begin to scan in pictures. Can I get this software somewhere like CompUSA? Thanks.

-- Vanessa Rush (vrush@rplgroup.com), August 02, 1999


i have the qv10a software...it doesn't even need an install..i transferred it from my old pc to my new one just by zipping up the directory.....if anybody else needs it just email me...i'll send

-- Paul (web69x@aol.com), August 15, 1999.

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