Factory 2nds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Factory 2nds are a way to save $. I thought a good thread might be postings on where to get them. I personally am looking for 2nds on Wiggy sleeping bags...Tim

-- Tim Johnson (timca@webtv.net), July 25, 1999


As an ex-retailer/outfitter- You'll need to go DIRECTLY to the manufacturer/American importer to find out who sells them, and what they do with the seconds- If the "Wiggy" bag is imported, there is an Excellent chance that it is actually sold under several different names by different retail outlets. Depending on the stores involved (chains vs independents), there might not be such a thing as a "second"- ie the stores involved may actually repair them on the premises (most "real" outfitters have their own repair facilities (hint- how to tell a REAL outfitter))!

If you insist on this particular bag- check to see if you qualify as a "professional user" and if they have a "Pro form discount". IF they do- you may actually get a first quality bag for less than what you'd planned on paying for a second.

I have sold bags (sleeping bags) that ranged in price from 9.99 to over 600$ but I REFUSE to debate "what's the best bag" because each is designed for a specific set of circumstances & budget!

Tari- Chuck's wife

-- Chuck, a night driver (rienzoo@en.com), July 25, 1999.

I think Tari's answer sums it up just about as well as it can be. The only trick might be getting a pro form or finding a source in your circle of friends. I worked part-time in high school (1972-73) teaching skiing lessons and bought off their "pro form". (Every kid in the neighborhood had a new pair of skis cheap every year.)Two years ago I built a house for a member of the "Outdoor Writer's Guild" or some-such and over the course of that year I had him buy me a sleeping bag, an incredible astronomical telescope and a pair of good boots, all at better than 50% off. I'm just guessing, but I'd bet that just for the asking you could get on a specific manufacturer's pro form. If not, con the local kid that gathers golf balls at the local course to get his "pro-form" and take advantage of all the breaks.

Good Luck, paying retail hurts more and more the closer we get to (rollover) back to school.

-- Roger (pecosrog@earthlink.net), July 25, 1999.

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