c-2000 macro

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I got a B Macro lens attachment for Oly C-2000 (along with necessary 43 to 55 adapter, etc.). The instructions with the macro lens say to take camera off of Macro mode, and then focus between 3/4 and one inch from subject. Naturally you need to use the LCD for focus. Doesn't work. Image is very fuzzy. I push the release half down, and camera acts like it is trying to focus, but cannot do it. Since this lens is mentioned in the C-2000 manual as an optional accessory, I would think there would be no problem. I have left the camera in auto focus mode, no aperature or speed over-rides. Has anyone been able to make this lens work with the C-2000?

-- Lance L. (deva88@webtv.net), July 23, 1999


Wow, 3/4 to 1 inch is *really* close. I'm not familiar with the B Macro lens, but I wonder if the suggested focusing distance is a misprint? I'd say just try backing off and see where it comes into focus. I'd also go ahead and use the Macro setting on the camera. Shouldn't be any magic in the lens, just a matter of finding what it's focal range actually is. (vs what's printed in the manual...)

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), July 25, 1999.

Wow, you were right on! Looking closer at the instructions (printed in Japan) they show .26 m / 1 inch. If my high school physics has stayed with me, .26 meters would come out to about 10 inches, not 1 inch. And sure enough, the lens works fine at that distance. Plus you were correct about placing the c-2000 in macro mode in conjunction with the B-macro lens (even though the instructions say not to). It produces an even larger image. Thanks.

-- Lance L. (deva88@webtv.net), July 29, 1999.

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