Fishhook Direct : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Hey people. I was wondering if anyone out there could give me Beta about Gear, Approach, Descent stuuf for the FishHook Direct in the Sierras. Have you done it? What did ya think? Anything related to this would be killer. Thanks. (there you go Phil)



-- Tea (, July 23, 1999



I haven't done the Fishhook, but have done the Mitheral Dihedral also on Mt Russell. Approach from Whitney Portal via the Mountaineers Route to Iceburg Lake then up and over to the base of Russell. The Fish Hook is way obvious from the base of Russell. As with most High Sierra Alpine routes I would imagine you could get by with a light rack, selection of nuts, a few cams and long slings are usually key.

You can descend from the summit between the Fish Hook and the Mitheral Dihedral with either a fourth class down climb or a very short rap.

Remember that Russell is high and the elevation can lower your climbing level a grade or two.

Have fun!!

-- D. Nurock (, September 24, 1999.

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