Anamorphic Lens : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
Does anyone have any significant experience using either the Century or Optex anamorphic lenses? If so, please post.
-- Avery Goodman (, July 17, 1999
I'm planning on buying the century lens for my sony vx-1000 in december, however, I'm going to test it out sooner than that. I'll let you what I think. One thing that you may already know is with the anamorphic lens you can't use your zoom all the way, only 2/3. Also, you can't use it with other lenses, such as a wide angle diopter.
-- win edson (win&, September 30, 1999.
I have had great experience with the Optex lens. I have shot 2 short films and a commercial with it and acheived amazing results. There is a sample still shot of the lens in action. I am selling my lens. If interested email me.Brando
-- Brandon Lewis (, July 09, 2002.