Better quality VCD's played on a DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Want to know how to make a VCD that I recorded to a disc and am playing on my DVD look better. The VCD played on the computer looks fine, but when it is on DVD it is bigger to fit the TV and it is blurry. Can I reencode the mpg or something? If you can give me any tips please let me know. Thanks!

-- Jeff Szima (, July 14, 1999


If the Video CD was made with a *.avi capture card then yes, you will get blurriness. Also many *.avi cards capture the film at the rate it was desgined for (NTSC or PAL) and this can also cause distortion. You can try reencoding it but you will find that it is still blurry.

-- The Lone Ranger (, July 17, 1999.

useing lower speed to burn

-- xiao (, July 30, 2003.

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