PC Week: Y2K article on global concernsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
PC Week article on Y2K (July 12, 1999)http://www.zdnet.com/pcweek/stories/news/0,4153,409107,00.html
I found the article interesting and balanced... the usual "good stuff" from PC Week.
-- Mr. Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), July 12, 1999
Also see this document from the Department of Commerce:"The Year 2000 Problem And The Global Trading System"
-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), July 12, 1999.
"Experts warn of Y2K trade upheaval"http://www.joc.com/issues/990308/p1age1/e20324.htm
-- Linkmeister (link@librarian.edu), July 12, 1999.