selecting the right enlarger lens size. : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hello, I have been very happy with my new 50mm Rodenstock lens for 35mm and now want to start printing my 6x6 negs. From what I have learned so far using a 90 mm lens is the "correct" size lens. However, I occasionally do have a few 6x7 & 6X9 negs to print. My question is, if I want the very "best" results should I only use a high end APO type of 90mm size for the 6x6 and assume that this lens will not be much use for occasional 6x7 & 6x9 printing or if I use a high end APO type in the 105mm size will this really provide the "best" results and proper coverage of all three formats? For the "best" results do I really need a different lens size for each format? How about a new APO in the 90mm and perhaps a nice used 105mm? Any suggestions will be of help, thanks.

-- bill zelinski (, July 07, 1999


Actually, a 75mm or 80mm lens would be "correct" for 6x6. However, a 100mm or 105mm will cover all the formats you mention very nicely. Incidentally, it is usually better to print with the longest lens your enlarger height will allow. Not only will you get more even illumination, but better sharpness as well. Why? Because you are only using the center of the lens' coverage.

-- Peter Hughes (, July 07, 1999.

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