Poor USB support

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Why is it that most manufacturers are not supporting the USB interface to the PC or Mac? I have seen very few new digital cameras that support this interface. The USB interface is vastly superior to it's ageing cousins - RS 232 serial and parallel. Any thoughts?

-- James Hewett-Hicks (jameshew@bigfoot.com), July 06, 1999


I think with time things will get better. It sounds like Epson's next versions will support USB. Kodak aready does. Lexar is going to add the USB controller to their compact flash cards so the interface will be a simple cheap cable.


One thing that is slowing USB acceptance is most older versions of Windows 95 don't support it. As people start moving into Windows 98 and IMac machines and demanding USB devices to go with their computers you will see more and more USB to along with them. I personally am using USB on my Epson Photo 750 printer and think it is great. I will probably be waiting in line for my Epson 850 camera when they are available.

-- Bob G. (rgreg88721@hotmail.com), July 06, 1999.

I had lunch a few weeks back with the head of Olympus' digital division, and asked him about the USB issue. Their position was interesting: 1) They view it as an interim solution, on the way to FireWire. (! - I'd have thought FireWire was too far off to count) 2) market research shows that people overwhelmingly prefer to NOT connect their camera to the computer, but actually prefer permanently-attached card readers. 3) USB is a real bear from an engineering standpoint - As usual, "plug & play" is NOT, meaning high engineering expenses for every device that they build it into. Thus, for now, only a USB reader - pay the engineering costs once, it applies to all their cameras, and is actually closer to what most people seem to prefer...

-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), July 08, 1999.

I don't know much about USB engineering but still have to thank a lot for its existence. I have 3 printers, a CD rewriter, smartmedia card reader and compactflash reader connected to 1 7-hub USB connector. I still have capability to connect more devices. Can't imagine if I have to download digital camera pictures with serial port connections. I probably will kill myself 10 times while waiting. God bless USB connections! Amy Lee

-- Amy Lee (amy@euroamericantextile.com), July 10, 1999.

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