DV FILMMAKING! *SOMEONE HELP ME*greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
hi I'm going to be doing a movie in DV and I think I've found the camrea I want to use, but I heard it runs for about $5,000. And i'm looking for about 2 of them and I really want to buy it used (if I can) but the model is SONY DVW-790SW. Has anyone heard of it or even seen it? How does it work and look? Would I be using the right thing to make my movie?I'm also looking for a CHEAP (and I mean CHEAP) steadicam, used if it's posibble. I'm getting funding for my movie now, but right now we're trying to get between $50,000 to $100,000 to make the movie. PLeae help me out!!!
-- Kerry M. (Wishmster4@aol..com), July 06, 1999
July 14, 1999Dear Kerry:
I recently read about your production on dvfilmmaker.com. For the past two years, Digital Media has been providing free postproduction to low and medium budget filmmakers from around the world via the Filmcamp program. I am writing to give you more information about this unique program.
Filmcamp costs filmmakers nothing. They receive free postproduction on state of the art Avid Media Composers. Digital Media also provides a full staff, including a supervising editor. These editors have worked for larger well known entities, including Warner Bros., Lightstorm Entertainment (James Cameron's production co.), and Roger Corman.
Whats the catch? Postproduction is subsidized through the tuition of participating student editors, who take part in editing the film under the supervision of our experienced professionals. In return the filmmaker receives around $60,000.00 in free post.
You can also refer to our website at www.filmcamp.com, and of course, call me directly at 503.297.2324 if you have any questions.
Sincerely, Wendy Gregory Director of Acquisitions Editor
-- wendy gregory (wendygregory@hotmail.com), July 14, 1999.