Extra Large Film Holders

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

As a follow up to my recent question about building an extralarge camera, does anyone know who makes sheet film holders in larger sizes? Im currently thinking along the lines of 20x16 (same ratio as 5x4", 10x8 etc).

I know that Lotus and Wisner can make them in wood, but they are fairly expensive at around #300 ($600). I dont suppose that Fidelity make them???

David Nash

-- David Nash (nashcom@btinternet.com), July 02, 1999


Two additional manufacturers of extra large format film holders are:

Alan Brubaker http://www.cosmoaccess.net/~awbent/

Great Basin Photographic http://www.greatbasinphoto.com/

But they're just as expensive as Lotus or Wisner.

-- Jay Packer (jaymp@earthlink.net), July 02, 1999.

I don't know of anything as large as 20x16", but 11x14" holders for medical X-ray film are readily available (though I'm told the slide can be stiff to pull). Larger sizes used to be made - doctor friends tell me 30x40cm or 12x16" was pretty common for chest X-rays.

Alternatively, you could make them yourself. The basic idea is pretty simple, and if your camera back is homemade you can adjust the ground glass position so that you've lots of room to play with in the holder design. Unless you are going hillwalking with the outfit, there's no real need to go to the complexity of making double-sided film holders.

-- Struan Gray (struan.gray@sljus.lu.se), July 04, 1999.

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