Cheaper Version of : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I am new to DV editing. I have just purchased a TRV 310 and a DV Raptor(works great.) After updating my PC and forking for camera & card, I'm broke. BUT I need some sort of steadicam for an upcoming project. Can anyone give me some advice or point me in the right direction of a product that will do something similar to a steadicam. Basically I need to be able to walk around filming without any camera shake. (I think this is the basic function of a steadicam.)I would also like to be able to do this from ground level. Here's another crunch, I live in Australia, so I need a company that will ship Internationally or who is local. Any advice, comments or abuse will be read with great interest.Cheers!
-- Larry Learner (, July 01, 1999
Go to and look into the SteadyTracker they sell. $199
-- adam farhi (, July 02, 1999.
Go to and browse for Steadicam and see if any used Steadicam JR's are for sale. Most of the time you can e-mail the seller and see if international shipping is an option. You can pick up a good used JR from $150-$300 US. If you need help making it work for you then write to me. Or go to my Steadicam JR website at of luck to you,
John Brune
-- John Brune (, October 27, 1999.
Check this out:
-- Igor Trajkovski (, December 26, 2000.
have you been to
-- seth heller (, January 11, 2002.