What kind of release is needed from the talent?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I'm an elementary school teacher. I have been producing videos with my students. I am not looking to sell my videos, but I would like to submit them to amateur contests and exhibits. What kind of releases do I need for the students?thanks, James
-- james Postle (Jpostle@compuserve.com), July 01, 1999
You need a general release stating that the talent agrees to let you use their projected or still image in any type of existing media now or undeveloped media in the future.An example of what we used ids as follows:
I hereby give________________ the absolute right and permission to copyright and/or publish non-commercial motion picture film, live television, videotape or audio recording of me for any legal, ethical manner that the producer(s)______________ see fit. I also grant the right to include my possessions and/or background objects which may appear in the final product.
***I hereby state that I am 18 years or older. ______________________________________________________
I understand and fully agree to the terms and conditions of this release. DATE:_____________ (signature) NAME:____________________
**(signature)PARENT OR GUARDIAN:____________________
** NOTE: Parent or Guardian's signature required ONLY if person is under (18) years of age.
Hope this helps-------------> mike marston, stinkydog films@aol.com in Houston, texas
-- mike marston (stinkydog films@aol.com), November 23, 1999.