Elan II or Elan IIe

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hello all, I'm new to the photography world, so please forgive me if I ask newbie questions. I'm thinking of purchasing a camera,and I believe I'm going to go with the Canon Elan. What I'm having a hard time with is whether or not to spend the extra money for the Elan IIe. Is the "Eye controlled focus and the depth of field option worth the extra $100 or so dollars? Please help I'm buying a camera friday.

-- Joseph Jackson (bbelger@swbell.net), June 29, 1999


If you are buying from a store that charges an extra $100 (US?) for eye control, go elsewhere. B&H only charges an extra $30 or so for the IIe. I've said it before. I thought the eye control was a gimmick. Since it could be turned off I bought it anyway. Except when I am letting someone who it has not been calibrated for use it I almost never turn it off. Others don't like it, but I wouldn't be without it if it is an option.

-- Brad (bhutcheson@iname.com), June 29, 1999.

Both models of the Elan II have depth of field preview. If you happen to use full time manual focusing via custom function 4, you won't be able to use DOF preview though. It uses the same AE lock button. It will also prevent the use of flash exposure lock (so will full time manual though - they all use the same button). On the Elan IIe, it is eye controlled by default, so you can still have full time manual, or FEL, and DOF preview.

-- Brad (bhutcheson@iname.com), June 30, 1999.

Joseph, what subjects are you preliminary interested in? That might help to answear your question.

-- Dariusz (dszpunnar@flash.net), June 29, 1999.

I, personally, don't like the idea of anything bouncing any kind of beam, infrared or otherwise, off my eyeballs. I know many people who love the technology; it doesn't seem that it would contribute much to my style of shooting. I've also heard of many people who've had trouble calibrating the system, and end up turning it off. If you have access to one at a local shop, try it out, see if you like it, and see if they'll come close to matching the price B&H (or CWO, etc) can give you. If it's only 30 bucks more at B&H, it might be worth it for resale value alone.

Is DOF preview only an option on the Elan IIe? I find it to be an extremely valuable tool, though others don't ever use it...

-- Scott (bliorg@yahoo.com), June 30, 1999.

Joseph, I have Elan IIe and use EC a lot.It works fine for me in spite of the glasses. I would say this feature is worth $30, but I would not spent $100 on it. I think you have to re-check the prices. Looks like your local store overprices the thing.

-- Eugene Shifrin (eshifri@hotmail.com), July 01, 1999.

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