
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm looking for a cam with the best Color Saturation. I just got the new Canon A50 and am pleased with it, however, I still want better color saturation (more lively colors). Adding color saturation to compressed images is not satisfactory, because the jpeg compression areas tend to become noticable after adding color saturation, plus it's a step I'd rather not have to do. Is there a cam that produces pics with great colors that are fun to look at right out of the cam under the $900 range? The Canon A50 seems to mute the colors on outdoor shots and is hot (white) in the bright areas and therefore looses the detail there. Indoor shots are great I must say! I'm thinking about the Coolpix 950 but not sure if the saturation (color vividness) is any better. I can see that the A50 produces much brighter yellows than the CP950. I sure like the size of the A50 and the lens cover. Always tradeoffs! I'd really appreciate any opinions on a cam with great colors (mainly in outdoor shots). Thanks in advance! Mark

-- Mark (mharpen@bigfoot.com), June 27, 1999

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