How-To Survival Library : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Many of you have probably been to the following web site:Nonetheless, I offer this as a reminder to everyone about the incredible amount of information archived there.
This link leads to a good all-around primer:
Best Wishes,
-- Bingo1 (, June 26, 1999
Bingo1,That is a GREAT site! Hope this gets reposted often...
-- BiGG (, June 26, 1999.
Thanks Bingo1. Was afraid the library had dropped off the map.
-- Carlos (, June 26, 1999.
Thanks, Bingo 1 Another good all round info site is
-- DuffyO (, June 26, 1999.
DuffyO, I love Stan & Holly Deyo's site! It is a seemingly endless resource of preparedness info. If you are interested in hearing interviews with Stan Deyo drop me an e-mail & I'll point ya in the right direction.Hey Carlos, you really caused a stir by starting that Flint bashing thread. I would have thought you knew better, or did ya just want to have fun riling up the dullards? :-)
-- Bingo1 (, June 26, 1999.