How to assist post 010100 DGI without dying. Any ideas? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Hi all.

Several people here have advocated helping others out if things get really bad including donating supplies to the needy. I myself have intentions of doing this. But others have pointed out that once it is known that you have supplies people might put thier needs and wants in front of yours any everyone elses, possibly in a forceful and unpleasent manner. Normally for disaster recovery you plan ahead, recruit and include others in the effort. However, given the nature of the Y2K problem, no one is likely to join your efforts until it is too late to prepare, much less help fund it. No one around here, at least. (Urban/suburban waste land). If the situation is A) Your alone in having made preps and B) it is time to help others around you, how do you do so and maintain any possible chance of keeping your home secure?

I was playing with the idea of seting up a remote aid station, but there are obvious drawbacks with toting supplies from home to another location when basics are scarce. Anyone figure this out yet? Fire fight advocates need not apply.

Watch six and keep your...

-- eyes_open (, June 24, 1999


You got it backwards...

You set up your donation shelter in your house and if anybody wants to "over run your compound" then let them. Just let them do whatever they want to without resisting. And meanwhile you can slip away to your real stockpile which you have cleverly taken the initiative to set up in a remote location beforehand. That way you have time to set it up now and the only thing you have to tote up to it later is yourself. And that way people will think they got what you had and that is that.

Note: Make sure nobody follows you up to your real stockpile.

-- (ex-marine@infantry.guy), June 24, 1999.


I've wondered how most remote locations could ever escape discovery and pillage post Y2K when hunters and scavengers and survivalists will be seeking food and provisions in the wilderness. Normal hunters go everywhere with guns, and many trespass. I imagine all discovered remote dwellings will be eventually be looted unless steadfastly defended.

-- Randolph (, June 24, 1999.

Consider doing your charity work in conjunction with your church. The church could be the "pick-up" point...

Worst case, you might have to set a guard at the church, but you might be able to enlist some DGIs who are willing to work for food.

-- Mad Monk (, June 24, 1999.

Randolph, I've wondered about that as well. Location would certainly be a consideration (season? weather conditions? ability to move about freely?). Certainly under conditions of starvation, how long would the majority even last, before heading into more remote locations? If searious violence erupts in high population areas, how many survive this scenerio to move out into remote locations? Will the majority be forced to locate remote areas on foot? Will government forces be searching remote areas or concentrate on the more populated areas? Many questions, but the bottom line for us, was to avoid large populations as much as possible. Let those areas deplete the number WE may be forced to deal with. In a 10....we'll be far better off. No guarantees in any of this. We won't be reliant upon gov. or charity handouts, and do to track records...happy to avoid relying upon 'community action' which has turned out to be more 'yada-oriented' as opposed to take action! We're surrounded by people who know how to work to survive...not survive to work.

-- Will continue (, June 25, 1999.

BTW...if you are NOT a 'fire-fight advocate' a 10, you won't have to worry about much of anything anyway. You're problems will ALL cease rather abruptly, unless you have the "luck of the Irish" my friend!

-- Will continue (, June 25, 1999.

Thanks to those who have contributed so far. I have got a few ideas that I'm trying to poke holes in now. I may post them after they matured.

Will Continue

Perhaps I could have phrased my original caveat better by saying "I would like to help people AND keep my prep's safe without resorting to extreme measures". I realize this may not be possible and have prepared extensivly for the tragic scenarios as well. You make your own luck, as I am sure most GI already know.

Thanks again and keep your...

-- eyes_open (, June 25, 1999.

Dear eyes_open: You obviously have a decent soul, which is worth its weight in gold in the modern world! However, I hope that you will take very seriously my suggestion, since I've had to re-educate myself FAST in these past few months of preparing. I've read several survival-type novels, as well as all of the real preparation material I've bought and printed from valuable websites...and have shared this with others, and continue to do so. In reading these books, written mainly by others who have a Biblical orientation towards humanitarianism, I have come to realize that in a crisis situation there will be a very different set of rules in operation. One must exercise extreme caution in approaching aid to unknown others...and even in some known others. Of all the books, may I suggest the most up-to-date and realistic one, written with the premise that in 1999 the catastrophic trigger will be not the Y2K "bug" but a depression, which by domino effect wipes out all of the utilities, etc., upon which we have come to rely. This book was written with the information meant to instruct others on how to survive, giving all sorts of supply names, where to get them, etc. It is written from the point of view of a small group of friends who have prepared for 9 years beforehand for a possible meltdown in society. The rules of engagement with others outside their compound, called a "retreat" are very surprising and, sadly, very realistic when one considers human nature at its worst, usually unleashed in major national crises. This may help you to a new perspective, and it can be read in three will not be able to put it down! It is called "PATRIOTS" by James Wesley Rawles. Like to hear your reaction to it. Got mine from, but am sure it is in the good bookstores also (paperback). May God bless and protect us all!

-- Elaine Seavey (, June 25, 1999.


Thanks for the pointer. I read the reviews at Amazon, sounds like it could be useful. I'll pick it up.

Watch six and keep your...

-- eyes_open (, June 25, 1999.

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