Type of Camerasgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I would like to know wicth cameras were used on "The Celebration" and "The Idiots"? And what was the tranfer to 35mm process they used? Thank you.
-- Rodrigo Monte (rmonte@ruralrj.com.br), June 23, 1999
"The Celebration" used a one chip sony pc7, and "The Idiots" used a 3 chip sony VX1000. Both cameras were pal formats. The transfer was done at some European company called luccien or something like that. I saw a 35 mm print in a theatre of "The Celebration and it was amazing! Very good. It didn't look quite like video, or like film. Just very different and extremely interesting. Especially the texture.Zubi
-- (zubdawg@hotmail.com), June 23, 1999.
I saw "The Idiots" in the theater and i have to agree with the guy who saw "The Celebration". It looked great but not like film or video.What i wanted to know is what cameras did they use on "Dancer in the Dark". I know for the 100 camera shots they used 900's but what was the bigger camera they used for most of the film?
-- Dale B. (dale@hotmail.com), April 21, 2002.