Making Video CD's 101 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am interested in creating a CD with home videos I have. I would like to make it so that it will play the videos from a set of icons using autorun (for example, You insert the CD into CDRom and a menu appears with video options). What software is best to use? I have video capture card and CD Burner.

-- Troy Johnson (, June 21, 1999


Troy, If you are trying to produce VCDs, make sure your captured video files are of VCD compliant format.

As for the CD Burner, try Cequadrat's WinOnCD. It come with a feature that let you put in autorun feature on the VCD. Not sure whether Easy CD Creator does that as well.

With regard to the menu appearing on your PC screen upon loading the VCD, that will depend on your CDRom property setting and the movie viewing software that you intend to use.


-- hocksiong (, June 24, 1999.

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