Good news y2k is fixed : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I read that the purchase of y2k has slacked off. I thank our leaders for putting their nose to the grind stone and getting this problem solved. Man, I was scared like the rest of you for a while but things are looking up. Now I asking people that are working as programmers to back me in this. So if you are out there reading this thread feel free to chime in on this wave. This is what you all been working night and day for right? I am not sure why the media did not broadcast this information but I do know what I have read. Now we all can celebrate the new year with out fear. ALL RIGHT!!!!!!

-- Michelle Darden (, June 14, 1999



-- y2kready (, June 14, 1999.

Michelle, when you're trying to do sarcasm in day-to-day life you can make it obvious that you're being sarcastic through the tone and inflection of your voice. With written text it takes a bit more skill to make it obvious that you're being sarcastic. You have to leave a few more clues for your readers.

You are being sarcastic, Aren't You???

-- number six (, June 15, 1999.

Welll - I certainly hope purchasing y2k bugs has slcked off - we have enough of them little buggers around as-is.

Certainly don't need anybody buying more of them things.....Now, if we could only get rid of the ones we already have in the systems.

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (, June 15, 1999.


Last time I checked, our Leader's nose was still growing like Pinocchio's.

-- Dog Gone (, June 15, 1999.

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