Restoring From Table in SQL : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Hi there,I'm trying to restore a table from a pseudo-backup of our database. The reason I call it a pseudo-backup is because the only thing we have is the .DAT file. The device doesn't show up in the Enterprise Manager. It resides on the same server as our other databases, but it's on a different physical hard disk. I thought I was following the syntax correctly in executing the following SQL command: LOAD TABLE IPList FROM DISK='F:\msql\devices\CompSpprt.dat' WITH source='IPList', APPEND But SQL responds with: Msg 3102, Level 16, State 1 Specified file 'F:\msql\devices\CompSpprt.dat' is not in valid dump database format. Msg 3208, Level 16, State 2 Unexpected end of file while reading beginning of dump. Please confirm that dump media contains a valid SQL Server dump. The SQL Server error log may contain more information on the problem. Table load has been aborted for table 'IPList'.
I'm sure the file isn't corrupt, and I don't know what it's talking about in saying that it's not in valid dump database format. Any help is much appreciated... Thanks!
-- Anonymous, June 09, 1999
Chris,The .DAT file is a device file. You will need to check your documentation for the way to restore a device rather than a database dump.
Good luck,
-- Anonymous, June 09, 1999