Century Optics 16:9 Anamorphic Lensgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
HelloComments are invited from anyone who has used the Century Optics 16:9 Anamorphic Lens for the Sony camcorders. What is its quality? And how does one 'unsqueeze' the recorded image? Thanks.
-- Rene Zee Quan (renequan@bigfoot.com), June 06, 1999
One doesn't "unsqueeze" the recorded image, you simply play it back on a 16:9 which stretches the image out thereby canceling the optical distortion caused by the Century Optics lense which squeezes a 16:9 image into a 4:3 space.
-- Kalunga Lima (in Lisbon) (kalungalima@hotmail.com), June 18, 1999.
Ops. Answer should read "on a 16:9 television set" which ...
-- Kalunga Lima (kalungalima@hotmail.com), June 18, 1999.
I'm looking into buying one because I want to transfer to film. However, if my project ends up on the straight to video market, I'll letter box my movie via premiere by shrinking it on the x-axis and keeping the y-axis the same.
-- win edson (win7@earthlink.net), September 07, 1999.