Canon A5 Zoom Software : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a Canon A5 Zoom, that I like very much. The software included Ulead PhotoImpact will not run without locking up my Dell Inspiron Laptop with Windows 98. Ulead had me upgrade to PhotoImpact 4.2. It still locks out quite regularly. Anyone else have similar problems? Second, what is a good software to convert the raw Canon images? I think PhotoShop will do it. I don't have that software. So far I have not heard from Canon. I bought the camera as an interim to see if I liked digital imaging. I wanted a Nikon 950. I will probably buy one if the dust ever settles before they go out of production.

-- Gary Grice (, May 30, 1999


I have used the Ulead PhotoImpact 4 for couple of years without any problem what so ever, and I really like it too. I am not exactly sure if your problem is the software or the hardware. I would recommend to load the software in another PC, to verify the problem if it is in your Ulead software or in the PC side (Hardware, Win98, or possible setup). I purchased the Canon Pro70 and I am very pleased with the camera, I like it better than Nikon CP950. Good Luck.

-- Fred (, May 31, 1999.

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