Anyone with experience of IZERO : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Has anyone ordered anything from izero, are they any good? Thanks, samir

-- SAmir moezzi (, May 30, 1999


They are 100% reliable. Their service is good. You have my reference. If you need further details, write to me.

-- tonys (, January 07, 2001.

Not anymore there not.

-- Andypants (, December 06, 2001.

Anyone know where IZERO has gone I gave michelle 50 pounds for DVDs not a word on what has happened to them?>

-- the_joker (, December 30, 2001.

me as well- 2800 hundred bucks 4 months ago and barely a quarter of my order...

-- Erik Mc (, January 04, 2002.

Their website is gone. Did they get busted?

-- Me (, January 08, 2002.

Check out

Add your info contact the webmaster!

-- webmaster (, February 06, 2002.

Yes, Izero asia pacific branch in Singapore was busted but from what I know, their Malaysia factories and USA operations were not affected as they are still supplying the resellers based in Malaysia.

-- Troy Holt (, March 25, 2002.

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