Someone mentioned a movie recently... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

It's been within the past three days, I believe, that someone mentioned a movie that showed group interaction in a survival situation. It wasn't "Trigger Effect". Anyone remember the movie in question? Thanks in advance, and have a great holiday weekend.

-- Moze (fakeaddress@this.line), May 29, 1999


"Panic in Year Zero" (1962)

-- Kevin (, May 29, 1999.

Lord of the Flies


Debbie Does Dallas:)

-- Andy (, May 29, 1999.

ARISE!:subgenious recrutment film #16

-- "BOB" ("BOB", May 29, 1999.

uh, "Easy Rider?"

-- okra (m@m.m), May 29, 1999.

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