Statement of Bonneville Power Administration : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This was just forwarded via EMail from a friend in NW Idaho. BPA operates the big dams on the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington State. They also own and service the major power lines in the region. This came with her local electrical bill. BPA is Y2K Ready. There's been a lot of talk about the year 2000 computer issue known as Y2K. One of the biggest concerns is....will the lights stay on?

The Bonneville Power Administration supplies wholesale elecricity to your utility and operates much of the high voltage transmission system that delivers electricity throughout the Northwest. We've been working hard so that the answer to your question is a resounding yes.

This past March 31, we met out commitment to be Y2K ready. And, we simulated the year 2000 with comprehensive tests of our systems. We're happy to say, we passed the test with flying colors.

We tested the equipment that controls the movement of electricty over the transmission grid.

We tested the relays and metering equipment that monitor and protect our system.

We tested our communications equipment from radios to microwaves.

And we tested our buiness systems and computers.

As a result, we are confident that BPS's power system will continue to operate safely and reliably. Come midnight on New Year's Eve, we expect you to toast the new year (and your utility) under bright lights.

Working with others in the utility industry is an important part of BPS's YK program. Our Y2K partnerships include: * The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at the federal dams, who announced in March that they, too, were ready for Y2K. * The Washington Public Power Supply System that operates WNP2 near Richland, Wash., which has announced the nuclear plant will be Y2K ready by July 1. * The Western Systems Coordinating Council, where utilities in the 14 western states and Canada are creating contingency plans for transmission and power operations going into Jan 1, 2000 and other key Y2K dates. * The North Amnerican Electric Reliability Council, which is coordinating nationwide Y2K readiness drills. * Our utility customers that deliver power to homes, businesses and industy to whom we provide information and support.

Completing Y2K testing and remidiation is a huge milestone for BPA. It is testimony to the hard work and seriousness of our Y2K effort. But we're not resting on our laurels. Y2K contingency planning, testing and certifying new or modified equipement or computer programs, and emergency response planning will continue right up to Dec. 31.1999 ....and beyond.

BPA is remaining vigilant so that we can continue our reliable elecrtic service into the new millenium.


-- Taz (Tassie, May 28, 1999


Awright!! The dams will work! I have no reason to doubt that BPA will probably be up and running...hydroelectric power should be some of the easiest to remediate. On the other hand, it sounds like EVERYONE listed above is creating contingency plans. Further, that sounds like a good idea for the rest of us...let's create our own contingency plans...just in case!

-- Mad Monk (, May 28, 1999.

Isn't this the same entity that kinda lost power not too awfully long ago....over 11 states.

Got candles?

-- Lobo (, May 29, 1999.


Where's the connection? Are you saying that their remediation can't be trusted because in the past they suffered utterly unrelated problems?

Got common sense? Where?

-- Flint (, May 29, 1999.

Go read, oh clueless brainwasher wanna bee's

-- Hydro Man (, May 29, 1999.

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