tfletch's Daily Y2k Report & Preparedness Finds (5/26/99) : LUSENET : Millennium Salons : One Thread

For anyone who is interested . . .### tfletch's Y2k Preparedness Finds:### tfletch's Daily Y2k Report:###

Today's Stories### 5-26-99 Y2k ( Year 2000 , Millenium Bug ) News Report###

A Curious Shift in Y2K Compliance### City shuns Y2K group's call to suspend ban on livestock### Experts fear global Y2K problems for electrical power and other services### Fayetteville alderman wants allocation to distribute Y2K fliers### FDA says Y2K readiness for hundreds of medical devices unknown### Findlandization and Y2K### Finnish Y2K preparations need stepping up - report### Govt. encourages Y2K town meetings### Happy 2000. Do you have cash### Japanese lagging on Y2K called global issue### Media Specialist Blows the Whistle on Koskinen - READ THIS ONE### Millennium danger at one in 10 hospitals### Policing the millennium### Press On### Testimony of Ed Yourdon to Senate### The Chemical Fallout of Y2K### UK police, hospitals and banks still at Y2K risk### Wall Street's Y2K plan - cut assets, close early and check overseas### Y2K Computer Viruses### Y2K Progress - Reality Check###

-- Tracy Fletcher (, May 26, 1999

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