Which one is best,Kodak DC-265 or Olympus C2000?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just found this site and WOW it is very comprehensive and more informative than CNET.com section on digital cameras. After comparing the pictures taken by DC-265 and Olympus C2000 at the Imaging Resource Reference Images, I found that C2000 pictures are more impressive. In fact in general all Olympus DCs have better results. DC-265 seems to deliver worse results than DC-260 as well.

Anyone can comments on this issue? I just bought a DC-265 and will use that DC for close-up pictures. But it seems Olympus C2000 and DC-260 give better images than DC-265. Is it only my eyes who judge the pics wrong or others think the same as well?

I would really appreciate to have replies for my inquiry. Thanks a lot.


-- Alex Husdal (shop@origami.no), May 24, 1999


Alex, both of these DigiCams are good products. Based on the specification, Oly C-2000 is a better product. I have used the Kodak for a limited time, it is OK (just OK). I do believe you will be a lot happier with the C-2000.

-- Fred (tabarrok@ariver.com), May 24, 1999.

Think different. .. Take the Nikon Coolpix 950.. It is really fantastic, i have it since 18 days.. (i count the days because there was life before the Nikon, and life after.. (smile) ).

-- Philippe Lepoivre Paris (phl@cogitel.fr), May 25, 1999.

Hi Fred and Philippe, I absolutely agree with you. Kodak DC-265 is just a plain "okay" DC, nothing more. After making a comprehensive comparison, I realize that Nikon Coolpix 950 offers superb pictures. I am actually very disappointed with the DC-265 I received last week, knowing that it only produces bland images. Not to mention the dormant response from Kodak regarding the problem with my free pack coupon and power plug.

I think this will be the last time I deal with Kodak products. So-so products and lack of customer service are good enough reasons for me to turn to other companies. Adios Kodak!!!! There are better products around.

-- Alex (shop@origami.no), May 25, 1999.

Alex, All I can say is that I absolutely love my Olympus C2000. The pictures are amazing. The subjects seem to jump off the page. The controls are extremely easy to use and the size allows me to slip it into my pocket and use it anywhere unobtrusively - unlike the 950! Good lu

-- Rona Oberman (rona_oberman@mccann.com), May 27, 1999.

I also love my 2000. I have had the camera only two weeks, but so far it seems to be perfect for my needs. The results from this camera are astounding. I find that the pictures need little to no post editing. The colors are accurate and the pictures are sharp and very well detailed. I love the smallness of the camera and the ease of use. The only problem for me is that I have to remember to take off the lens cap before starting the camera. A lens cap that pops off and drops to the floor is a BIG design flaw, in my opinion. Other than that little thing....it's a wonderful camera.

-- Cathy Shotz (catshotz@home.net), May 27, 1999.

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