XLR cable for MA100

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

Bit basic I know but when I order an XLR cable for my mike what connectors are needed to plug into the MA100 adapter for my XL1? Brendan

-- Brendan Somers (BrendanSomers@compuserve.com), May 18, 1999


That is all you need an XLR cable one end is female the other male you just plug one end in mike other to MA100.

-- Jesse nemerofsky (JesseNeme@aol.com), June 21, 1999.

Correction. You need to get one female to male XLR cable, and one Y-adapter(1 female to 2 males) to plug into both channels of the MA100. If you just record on one channel you can get unwanted noise.

-- Kevin Hollaway (khollawa@attglobal.net), January 05, 2000.

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