GP18's : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have a couple of P2k GP18's that I am considering painting for Central of Georgia. I would like to know the folling:When were they delivered and in what paint scheme. How many did they have and what were the Numbers. Is the detail on the P2k units ie. fans etc. anywhere near correct. Where might I find some photo's to go by. Any info. is always appreciated. Thanks, Mike Smith

-- Mike Smith (, May 16, 1999



The next issue of THE RIGHT WAY (due to mail in mid-June 1999) is scheduled to feature an article by Bob Harpe on painting and detailing Proto 2000 GP18s. It will included photos of both the prototype and model. The CofGa had 8 GP18s which were delivered in 1960 in the Pullman green paint scheme. They were numbered 171-178.

-- Allen Tuten (, May 16, 1999.

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