SI: Janet Rhino Unintended Consequences : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

"Unintended Consequences" by John Ross is now up to No. 599 in Amazon's list, up from about No. 1000 a few weeks ago -- out of hundreds of thousands of books they handle! Yes!

What will Janet Rhino do about this? Will the federal nazis pay attention, or will they have to be extracted kicking and screaming out of our butts?

They can get me, they can maybe get you, but they can't get everyone. (enter "unintended consequences" in the search box)

-- A (, May 16, 1999


Just ordered it.

I guess anyone who orders it will be on a hit list :)

-- Andy (, May 16, 1999.

Wouldn't be surprised. But if only a small percentage of those the nazi enforcers come after, would resist, the number of nazi enforcers would rapidly diminish.

-- A (, May 16, 1999.

Although it looks more and more like it may eventually come down to the scenario played out in Ross' book, I think everyone ought to purchase and try the suggestions in the book "Things you can do to defend your gun rights" by Alan M Gottlieb and David B. Kopel.(ISBN: 0-936783-10-9) There are many actions you can take to try to keep it from ever getting to a situation where we would have to defend out constitutional rights by force. I don't know what I would do in a UI type situation but if it got ugly I would be able to take some comfort in knowing that I tried every peaceful means first. If every American who knows better would take this sort of action we wouldn't be heading down the road we are now.

Think about it


-- eyes_open (, May 16, 1999.

Is this the book about the gun grabbers? Well, I wouldn't lose much sleep over jack-booted federal (or state, or local) thugs coming down your street en masse to confiscate your guns. They will probably start on someone else's street and, depending on where they start, by the time they've gone six blocks, they'll have most likely suffered sufficient casualties to dissuade them from pursuing the matter further.

More likely is the stepping up of random seizures. If they tried it all at once, they'd be easy pickin's for any modest armed group. Doing the deed in random fashion will keep the herd mentality in place. As the Fabian socialists are fond of saying, "make haste slowly." We currently have more to fear from creeping gradualism than any possible overt usurpation by the government. Still, you'd best keep your powder dry...

-- . (.@...), May 16, 1999.

Well, Claire Wolfe says it isn't time to shoot the bastards -- yet. She's got a couple of books out, "101 Things to do 'Til the Revolution", and the other one, "Don't Shoot the Bastards -- Yet".

The first one is how to avoid, to some extent, Big Brother. The second (which I haven't yet got) is supposed to be about "monkey-wrenching". Should be good, though.

Available from and maybe even

Her site is

-- A (, May 17, 1999.

We all saw what the jack-booted thugs did when confronted with two teenagers shooting children in Littleton: nada. You want to defend your gun rights? Slowly squeeze...

-- Spidey (in@jam.commie), May 17, 1999.

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