Response to Compressed or uncompressed? : LUSENET : FlashPix Format : One Thread

(1) JPEG 2000 - Digital Imaging Org. is working closely with the JPEG group to incorporate features of FPX to JPEG 2000. FPX supports JPEG compression - so it might be that it will support JPEG 2000 as well OR the other way around.

(2) Difference in compression - try printing the images - you might see the differences. If not, try zooming and see how much artifacts you can identify with the compressed formats.

PSP 5.01 - I am not sure if it supports the multiple-resolution format of FPX or simply saves the image as one resolution. Try FPX-aware products such as Ulead's and LivePicture or Picture Easy and see, there might be some differences.


-- Rommel Feria (, May 12, 1999

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