MAME32 Help (Yes, this does have to do with INP's...=) : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I'm having a big problem with frameskipping with MAME32 versions b10 and b11... I initally had it set to auto-frameskip, and it worked just fine...but since b10, auto-frameskip skips way too many frames (it usually would be at most frameskip 8, but now it goes up to frameskip 11 and gameplay is very choppy), and that means I have to automatically adjust the frameskip...this would be okay, except that all recordings I've made with win35b10 and up no longer playback normally...(thanks to Skito for letting me know about this, BTW...=) I can't seem to do anything to get rid of this annoying frameskip problem...(I'm starting to think my mame.cfg file I used to use with DOS MAME doesn't work with MAME32) can I fix this? I wish MAME32 had something that allowed to adjust the default frameskip for each game...I haven't been able to find anything like that... So how can I have this fixed? I have 3 games I'd like to send recordings for (cabalbl, flipshot, and wjammers) but I can't since they won't playback...and I'd like them to playback soon... But enough of my problems...=)

-- James Reisdorf - SportsDude (, May 01, 1999


MAME32 doesn't use the mame.cfg file like the DOS version, all of the settings are stored within the Windows Registry. In order to change the default Frameskip setting (which is Automatic), click on the "Options" menu, and then choose "Default Options", click on the "Advanced" tab, and finally clear the "Automatic" check box near the bottom.

To change the settings for a specific game, right-click on the game you want to change settings for, and choose "Properties", again click on the "Advanced" tab, and clear the "Automatic" check box.


-- Angry (, May 02, 1999.

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