SQL Access Problemgreenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Kindly pass this e-mail to Mr.. Eric.Introduction: Mr.Eric, My name is Ayub Khan. I am working for a International Company as a SQL Server DBA. Currently, I am experienceing a problem in accessing SQL Server database from front-end VB 5.0.
Problem In detail: I am facing some problem with my SQL Server 6.5 with this problem, I have been to numerous SQL Server sites looking for the appropriate solution to my error,But unfortunately so far, I haven't found any fruitful answer to my problem.. Well, My problem is as follows:
I am using SQL Server 6.5 as my backend and VB 5.0 Enterprise as Front-end to develop my application.. The problem is, I can connect to SQL Server from VB and browse the data, which is lying in the SQL Server.. But Surprisingly,When I try to either ADD a record or UPDATE a record in SQL Server from VB,System displays me a message, that the database is read only.. Well, Their is nothing such like that in the system. I am connecting to SQL server with SA account.. Also, If I try to do the same scenario from SQL Server ISQ/W for windows, System does accepts ADD and UPDATE request from the user.. But trying to update from VB, SQL Server returns an error saying "Database object is read only". I am very much frustrated with this problem.. Please would you help me?
I have updated my SQL Server with Service pack 2 and Windows NT with Service pack 3. But still the problem remains same..
Please advice me, what wrong I am doing..
Thank you and awaiting for your reply.
Ayub Khan
-- Anonymous, April 30, 1999
Ayub,I suspect that you have used VB to open the wrong kind of result set. A snapshot is opened read only. A dynaset is read/write.
Another thing to check is that your table has a unique index or primary key.
You may also check if your database has been set to read only with: sp_dboption databasename
Hope this helps,
-- Anonymous, April 30, 1999