Top-roping options? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I am travelling to Yosemite soon, and I hope to get in some climbs. I can climb 5.8's, and have done a 5.10 or two in the gym - but I don't know how to lead... I have all the gear I need to anchor in (webbing, runners, biners, rope, etc) and this works locally. I am hoping somebody could point out some top-roping routes around Yosemite (preferably in the valley proper) for me to go check out. Folks have led me to believe that this will be hard to find... Otherwise - it's bouldering for me...


-- Crosby Grant (, April 29, 1999


Hey Crosby,

I recently went to Yosemite for the first time. I wasnt too sure about routes that could be top-roped and i didnt feel comfortable leading. I got lucky and hooked up with a YOSAR member and climbed with him at Swan Slab. I think some of the routes there can be top- roped. Try looking for a partner on the message board in Camp 4. Hope this helps. Brian

-- Brian (, May 04, 1999.

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