CNBC Runs US Chamber of Commerce Ad="Y2K OK!" : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

At 7:20 CNBC ran one of the dweebiest spots I've seen in a while. It was an ad for "Y2K OK" trying to get you to call your Congressman to get legislation to "help consumers" with Y2K. How will they do this, by protecting big business by limiting your right to sue.

Please sir, protect me by restricting my rights! Business needs more protection! I'm willing to do my part to help the poor CEO's retain their lifestyles. Michael Eisner performs vital services for his compensation. If anyone is to suffer, it should be the little guys. Let's remove as much remediation incentive as possible, THAT'S the best way to get results.

-- Puddintame (, April 26, 1999


I wonder why The Chamber of Commerce is so concerned about a mere bump in the road. After all, everything will be fixed in a couple of days.

-- Mike Lang (, April 26, 1999.


You bring up an interesting point, and one I've wondered about myself.

If Y2k is going to be only a "bump in the road" in this country, why all the fighting about this legislation regarding lawsuits?

To defend companies against "frivolous lawsuits?" If so, filed by whom? People who had their dogs run over because the traffic lights failed?

I continue to wonder.


-- FM (, April 26, 1999.

Published: Sunday, April 25, 1999

Battle over Y2K bug hits the airwaves

Businesses, attorneys are at odds over liability



A giant, buzzing insect menaces San Francisco and New York City in a televised warning to Congress to pass legislation restricting lawsuits over the Year 2000 computer bug.

The $500,000 ad campaign debuting today is the latest push to limit businesses' liability for fallout from Y2K computer glitches. Business leaders sought out likely legislative sponsors, helped draft the bills and have made lobbying for passage a top priority.

The millennium issue is the latest twist in a long-standing feud between business leaders and trial lawyers, another powerful lobbying group, over proposed limits on lawsuits.

Supporters of the legislation say that without limits, lawsuits related to computer glitches could cost businesses a total of $1 trillion and swamp the court system.

More than 80 businesses that formed a coalition to push the bill meet weekly. The National Association of Manufacturers has told lawmakers that this vote would help determine their rankings on the group's annual legislative scorecard.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, part of the business coalition, is spending $500,000 for the TV ad campaign. Viewers are urged to support ``a bill that will protect consumers with legitimate problems, while preventing a swarm of frivolous lawsuits over minor glitches.''

The commercials were scheduled to debut in Washington on today's talk shows, then air nationally on the cable news networks CNN, MSNBC and CNBC, chamber officials said.

The Senate bill, sponsored by John McCain, R-Ariz., and Ron Wyden, D- Ore., would require a 90-day waiting period in which companies could try to resolve complaints before a Y2K lawsuit is filed against them. The legislation also would limit class action lawsuits and cap punitive damages.

Lawyers, meanwhile, are fighting back with horror stories of computer companies refusing to take responsibility for selling equipment that is not Y2K compliant.


-- Kevin (, April 27, 1999.

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