Sepia toner shelf life : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Is there a brand of Sepia toner packaged so only some may be mixed at a time? Kodak's package must be completely mixed, but only has a 2 month shelf life.

-- Barrie Fanton (, April 24, 1999


Barrie: I used to get short life out of mixed Kodak Sepia Toner until I started storing the mixed solutions in smaller containers (with less air space). The solution I'm using now was mixed last July (yes!) and both the bleach and toner are very effective. I've tried other brands and types, but much prefer the Kodak. To reduce the odour from the toner, I keep the tray covered until the moment I actually use it.


-- Mike W. (, April 24, 1999.

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