Minox C and "automatic" shutter speed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What is the longest shutter speed the Minox C will use in "automatic" mode? I think I read somewhere that it's around 7 seconds, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer.

-- Bob Butler (rbutler@tlxnet.net), April 20, 1999


There are 4 distinct main versions (aside from any model marking variations) of the C model. The earliest has a Complan lens and a shutter that is rated at a maximum of 7 seconds on auto. The second version has a Minox lens, also with a 7 second shutter. The third version has a 10 second shutter and an external trim change. The film counter window and the shutter button hole lose the little raised ridge around them and the counter window has rectangular corners, now matching the BL styling. The final version is the same as the third except that a red LED replaces the white light bulb as the slow speed warning signal. It has been my experience that these maximum times should be taken with a grain of salt, as they tend to vary a bit.

-- Michael J. Vorrasi (MVorr99@aol.com), April 20, 1999.

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